My name is George Powell, I’m about to turn 24, and I barely have the faintest idea of what I’m doing. But I’ve learned a lot, even though I still have a very long way to go.

Recently, I did something I have not done many times before. I thought about my goals, considered the state of my life, and decided that if I wanted to make any progress, things would have to change. So I made a hard decision, and acted decisively. I took ownership of my life. This was dropping out of school.

Unfortunately, I do not have any of the extraordinary abilities that many famous college dropouts possessed. If I did, surely I would not be working at Starbucks to cover rent. Thankfully, I have one important thing going for me: I am very ambitious. And also, I like to learn. But other than that, I am remarkably average.

Anyways, this website will be a place that I write about what I’m working on, and what I’m thinking about, and what I’m hoping for. It’s mostly for me. If I wanted to write for a massive audience, I’d write on social media. But my future self is only an audience of one.

I want to read this again one day, many years in the future, and remember what it was like to be me. I’m so excited to look back and reflect on how far I’ve come!